Fat Freezing – Removing Fat Without Any Injection - @doctorsiska skincare

Fat Freezing – Removing Fat Without Any Injection

We often find stubborn fat on our body. Various ways have been done, such as maintaining a low-fat food consumption, exercising, but this fat seems to feel at home and doesn’t want disappear.

Sometimes we need help to overcome and get rid of these fats. The Fat Freezing, which is one  of the methods of destroying fat treatment using cryotherapy technology or cooling technology. The advantage of Fat Freezing is that it is a non-surgical, needle-free technique to get rid of excess fat by freezing, “killing” and removing fat cells. Fat cells that have been shed will be eliminated through digestion.

4 types of body fat: Which one do you have? | The Times of India

This procedure is quite simple by attaching a tool to the skin of the body fat that you want to treat such as the stomach, back, thighs, buttocks. The results are immediately felt after  treatment, the maximum effect is in the first 1-3 months and can be permanent. This treatment can be repeated at intervals according to the needs of each individual. Results can still be felt up to 3-6 months after therapy. For maximum results, accompanied by maintaining food intake as well as exercise, the fat will shed quickly and the results look significant.

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